Can I Play a Musical Instrument with Braces?

A question we have heard from many of our patients with a passion for music is “can I play a musical instrument with braces?”

The short answer is absolutely!

At first, playing your instrument with braces will feel a little different, and it will take some time to get used to the appliance in your mouth. If you follow the tips and suggestions provided below you should be making music in no time.


After getting getting your braces put on, you will want to put in a little extra practice time. Playing your instrument is going to feel different than it did before you wore braces, but it won’t be impossible. If you begin to feel the braces rubbing in an uncomfortable way against your lips, cheeks or tongue make sure to use the wax provided at your appointment.


Wearing wax on your brackets will be your best trick as you play an instrument with braces. The wax will provide a protective coating to help prevent any uncomfortable rubbing of your braces on the inside of your mouth. If you run out, you can always call the office and ask for more or pick some up at your next appointment!

Ask About Invisalign

Invisalign may be a great option for you if you frequently play an instrument like a woodwind or brass instrument. Invisalign are clear aligners that you can take out of your mouth while playing your instrument if you find that it is too difficult to play while having the trays in. There are some attachments on your teeth with invisalign that may rub against the inside of your mouth, but this still may be a more comfortable option for those musicians who need their mouth to play. You can talk with Dr. Glander and Dr. Rochford about this at your complimentary consultation.

If you are considering braces or Invisalign you can contact us on our website, by email at, or give us a call at (317) 888-2827.

We proudly serve the Indianapolis and Greenwood, Indiana communities.