Mastering Flossing with Braces: 5 Essential Tips

As you embark on your journey to a beautiful smile with braces, it's crucial to prioritize oral hygiene. Flossing plays a vital role in maintaining healthy teeth and gums, but it can be a bit challenging with braces. Fear not! Our experienced orthodontic team in Indianapolis is here to help. In this blog post, we will share five essential tips to help you master the art of flossing with braces. By following these practical guidelines, you'll keep your teeth clean, avoid dental issues, and achieve a stunning smile.

To view a video sharing tips for flossing with braces click here!

Choose the Right Flossing Tools:

  1. When it comes to flossing with braces, selecting the right tools is crucial. Regular dental floss might not be sufficient to reach all the nooks and crannies around your braces. We recommend a floss threader or a platypus flosser, which can be incredibly useful for getting underneath the wires.  Here is a list of our favorite orthodontic tools you may need.

Develop the Right Technique:

  1. Mastering the correct flossing technique is essential to remove plaque effectively. Start by threading the floss carefully under the main wire and gently bring it up between the teeth. Move the floss in a back-and-forth motion to clean the sides of both teeth. Be gentle and avoid snapping the floss, which can damage the wires. Remember to floss around each tooth and along the gumline thoroughly. Our skilled orthodontists and orthodontic assistants in Indianapolis can demonstrate the proper technique during your regular check-ups.

Be Patient and Persistent:

  1. Flossing with braces requires patience and persistence. Initially, it may take a bit longer to navigate the floss around your braces, but don't give up! With practice, you'll become more adept at maneuvering the floss through the tight spaces. Set aside enough time each day for thorough flossing. By making flossing a habit and being consistent, you'll ensure optimal oral hygiene and keep your teeth and gums healthy throughout your orthodontic treatment.

Supplement with Water Flossers:

  1. Water flossers, also known as oral irrigators, can be an excellent addition to your braces-friendly oral hygiene routine. These devices use a steady stream of water to remove food particles and plaque from hard-to-reach areas. While water flossers should not replace traditional flossing, they can be highly effective in flushing out debris around your braces. Consult our Indianapolis orthodontic office to determine if a water flosser would complement your flossing routine.

Maintain Regular Dental Check-ups:

  1. Regular visits to our Indianapolis orthodontic and your general dentists office are essential for maintaining optimal oral health during your braces journey. In addition to receiving adjustments, these appointments provide an opportunity for our experienced team to evaluate your oral hygiene practices and provide personalized recommendations. We can identify areas that may need extra attention or offer alternative flossing techniques tailored to your needs. Remember, consistent professional care combined with your daily flossing routine will keep your smile in top shape.


With the right tools, proper technique, patience, and professional guidance, you can conquer the challenge of flossing with braces.