Frequently Asked Questions: Guide for Patients During COVID-19

Frequently Asked Questions: Guide for Patients During COVID-19

During this uncertain time when we are all dealing with the rapidly changing circumstances, we know there are many questions about the COVID-19 pandemic and how it may affect your orthodontic treatment. We have created this list of FAQs to hopefully answer any questions you may have.

Can I Play Sports with Braces?

Can I Play Sports with Braces?

It’s fall in Indiana, which has the Glander Rochford Orthodontics team thinking about football, basketball, and all things sports!

We hear the question “can I play sports with braces?” all the time. It’s an important thing to consider, because there is an increased risk to certain mouth injuries when you are wearing traditional braces with brackets. This is true for children and adults that are active in any way, not just sports. 

5 Must-Haves for Keeping Your Teeth and Braces Clean

5 Must-Haves for Keeping Your Teeth and Braces Clean

Having braces is really exciting, but it’s a time that comes with a lot of responsibilities. This month, we’ve outlined our top 5 must have items for keeping your teeth and braces as clean as possible.